Ginger milk curd
With only 3 ingredients you can make a tasty gel within minutes. The gel is very fragile and easily “looses” liquid, in this case whey, which is seen as a clear drop under the spoon. This loss of liquid from…
With only 3 ingredients you can make a tasty gel within minutes. The gel is very fragile and easily “looses” liquid, in this case whey, which is seen as a clear drop under the spoon. This loss of liquid from…
I’m happy to announce that a major update of “Texture – A hydrocolloid recipe collection” is now available for download. Version 3.0 of Texture features many new recipes, , more pictures (A big THANK YOU to all contributing photographers!), a…
Vintage Glasbake Measuring Cup by Gerrilynn Nunley Despite the fact that the U.S. Metric Association have advocated metrication for nearly 100 years, many cookbooks still use US customary weights and volume measures. When following a recipe calling for teaspoons, tablespoons,…
Avoid the white exudate (left) by brining salmon (right) prior to cooking Salmon is a wonderful fish that can be prepared at nearly any temperature between raw (as in sushi) and fully cooked. In between these extremes lies a range…
Browsing through books published in the last year (+ some from 2012), these are the ones I found particularly interesting in the field of food and science:
The collection of hydrocolloid recipes “Texture” (v. 2.3 available here) hasn’t been updated since 2010. But faithful readers have emailed me corrections and tips, notified me of typos and sent pictures – all of which I have incorporated. I’ve also…
Some say 2012 was the year when 3D printing hit the mass market – and that happens to be the year when the cookie cutters shown were printed. The Christmas tree design I made using the program Tess. I also…
Tables set and decorated for the best lunch at a scientific conference ever! I mentioned in my blog post on “The Emerging Science of Gastrophysics” symposium held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen that we…
The popular Science & Cooking lectures at Harvard are back again (in fact they started September 4th). Classes are filmed and freely available via Youtube and iTunes. Like in previous years the public lecture series is given alongside the course “Science…