Month May 2007

TGRWT #2: Banana and parsley

It’s time for the second round of the They go really well together food blogging event (hereafter referred to as TGRWT #2). Ingredients to pair this time are banana and parsley, which should be an easy match compared to last…

Two flavour pairing case studies

In previous posts and comments I have suggested that flavour pairings based on key odorants could be explored by looking at odor activity values (= ratio of volatile compound to it’s threshold). If two foods share one or more key…

Thinking blogger award

I’ve received the Thinking blogger award from Cocktail Party Physics, Nika’s culinaria, Jon’s travel adventures, Lab cat and Chadzilla now. Thanks a lot folks! I guess it’s my turn to hand the award on now. Here are five blogs I…

Practical molecular gastronomy, part 5

5. Learn how to control taste and flavor. When invited over to friends for dinner, even before eating, you judge the food by it’s aroma, handing out compliments such as “It really smells nice”! Thankfully, nature is on the cook’s…