Category coffee

What’s in a cup of coffee? (part 2)

In my previous blog post about coffee I discussed parameters you can influence once you have purchased your precious beans. These were brew ratio, total dissolved solids, extraction yield, grind size, water composition, water temperature and filter material. This time…

Norwegian egg coffee

Egg coffee – a mild and refreshing drink that can be served warm as well as cold I recently stumbled over “Norwegian egg coffee”. At first I thought it was a joke, but it turned out that this is indeed…

Coffee for lazy summer days

A perfect cup of coffee for a perfect morning! I have spent lazy summer days in a “Sommerhus” (e.g. “summer house”) in Denmark with my family and one thing I will share with you is the coffee I enjoyed every…

A pinch of salt for your coffee, Sir?

A small sprinkle of salt will suppress bitterness – and in some cases it can benefit the overall coffee flavor. I’ve tried it with an espresso and somehow it works, but it’s difficult to describe the flavor. I prefer my…