Category books

Alinea cookbook

For more than a decade Ferran Adriá has allowed us to take part in the creative process through the magnificent El Bulli books. And now – finally – we will have the opportunity to look behind the curtains in another…

Finally in English: Kitchen mysteries

Following the success of the English translation of Molecular gastronomy – Exploring the Science of Flavor (original title: Casseroles et éprouvettes), Hervé This book Kitchen mysteries (original title: Les secrets de la casserole) will appear in October 2007, and is…

Practical molecular gastronomy, part 4

(Photo by vintage_patrisha at 4. Learn how to control the texture of food Taste and flavour normally get more attention when food is discussed, but the texture of food is equally important and our tongue is very sensitive, not…

Happy New Year with the Science of Champagne!

Have you ever though about how far you can shoot a champagne cork? The swedish physicist Hans-Uno Bengtsson has actually done the necessary calculations in the wonderful Swedish book “Kring flaskor och fysik” (which translates to something like “Among bottles…

Odor recognition by shape or vibration?

Over Christmas I have been reading Luca Turin’s book “The Science of Scent”. This became a real eye-opener for me with regards to my understanding of how the sense of smell works. (BTW, Luca Turin was also featured in Chandler…

New book by Heston Blumenthal: Perfection

Look out for the new book by Heston Blumenthal to appear in October 2006: Perfection. The book is based on an eight part BBC series where Heston Blumenthal, chef at The Fat Duck and front player within the field of…