Tag chocolate

TGRWT #15: Dark chocolate and smoked salmon

This month’s round of “They go really well together” (TGRWT #15) is hosted by Mexmix and foods to pair this time are dark chocolate and smoked salmon. As usual you can find instructions on how to participate in the announcement…

TGRWT #13: Caraway and chocolate

According to Google trends searches for chocolate peak every December (plus that special day in February), and I assume that consumption of chocolate follows the same pattern. For this month’s They go really well together event (TGRWT #13) Erik Fooladi…

TGRWT #9: Chocolate tagliatelle with parmesan cream

Chocolate pasta suspended for drying. For this round of TGRWT I decided to use the recipe (Chocolate Carbonara with Parmigiano Reggiano Cream and a Chocolate-Dipped Grissini Wrapped in Prosciutto di Parma) by Masaharu Morimoto which I’ve blogged about previously. I…

TGRWT #1: Garlic, coffe and chocolate

Reading the comments on how to prepare a dish using garlic, coffee and chocolate, I figured it could actually be a good idea to make this into a food blogging event. Inspired by Is My Blog Burning (IMBB), Sugar High…

Triple flavour pairing: garlic, coffee and chocolate

Preparing for a presentation on flavour pairing, Bernard Lahousse at Food for design visited Franí§ois Benzi at Firmenich, a large supplier of aroma chemicals and perfume ingredients. Bernard plans to launch a website dedicated to flavour pairing soon, and in…