Category recommendations

Dyeing eggs for the easter holiday has a nice guide on how to color eggs, and the list of colors is quite impressive (click for instructions): Lavender Small Quantity of Purple Grape Juice Violet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon Juice Violet Blue Violet BlossomsSmall Quantity…

First experiments with sodium alginate

Here’s some pictures and a video of my first experiments with sodium alginate and spherification. I used sodium alginate from the Texturas series and calcium chloride from a drug store. Needless to say, I’m very fascinated by the texture and…

DJ for your nose: Aroma jockey Odo7

Erich Berghammer, also known as Odo7 [homepage, myspace] is an aroma jockey or AJ for short. He blows scents over his audience with huge fans and has stocked up a pantry with exotic spices, roots, leafs, oils, extracts and herbs.…

Practical molecular gastronomy, part 4

(Photo by vintage_patrisha at 4. Learn how to control the texture of food Taste and flavour normally get more attention when food is discussed, but the texture of food is equally important and our tongue is very sensitive, not…

Chow: Behind the scenes at Alinea

The red sheet (in the not yet finished dish) is made by heating Campari, beet root juice, salt and sugar, followed by addition of agar agar. The color and texture look marvelous! Chow has a nice picture-by-picture guide (featuring photos…

Scientific chocolate tasting kits

Dominique & Cindy Duby, chocolatiers based in Canada, have put together two “scientific chocolate tasting kits” (one, two). Some of the science behind is explained in their “tasting notes” (copy the text into a wordprocessor to read it). For a…

Green tea with sugar?

A group of Japanese researchers (J. Agri. Food Chem. 2007, 231) has recently shown that the ranking of Japanese green tea can be predicted by careful analysis of several compounds. In the resulting model used for the predictions it turned…

Lightstruck flavor in beer

Some years ago, a group of researches studied the formation of lightstruck flavor in beer (Chem. Eur. J. 2001, 4554). They found that isohumulones, compounds contributing to the bitter taste of beer, decomposed when exposed to ultraviolet light. In a…

Videos from MG seminar in Belgium

Videos from the MG seminar in Belgium held on November 20th last year have generously been made available for free on the net. There are four videos to watch: presentations by Prof. Peter Barham (“˜Molecular Gastronomy? The science of taste…