Tag eggs

Two flavour pairing case studies

In previous posts and comments I have suggested that flavour pairings based on key odorants could be explored by looking at odor activity values (= ratio of volatile compound to it’s threshold). If two foods share one or more key…

Dyeing eggs for the easter holiday

About.com has a nice guide on how to color eggs, and the list of colors is quite impressive (click for instructions): Lavender Small Quantity of Purple Grape Juice Violet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon Juice Violet Blue Violet BlossomsSmall Quantity…

Practical molecular gastronomy, part 4

(Photo by vintage_patrisha at flickr.com) 4. Learn how to control the texture of food Taste and flavour normally get more attention when food is discussed, but the texture of food is equally important and our tongue is very sensitive, not…

Chocolate sauerkraut cake

After giving a presentation about molecular gastronomy I was asked if I had ever heard about a chocolate cake baked with sauerkraut. I admitted that this was new for me, but that I would be very interested in the recipe.…

TGIF: Molecular gastronomy with a twist

Heston Blumenthal was recently featured in “Private Eye”, a british satire magazine (found via Aidan Brooks). They included the following recipe for boiled eggs: A further discussion of boiled eggs from the perspective of molecular gastronomy is found here.

Perfect eggs?

I just came across this fancy egg boiler. It’s designed by Simon Rhymes and bears the name BEM. The egg is cooked in about 6 minutes by the heat from 4 halogen light bulbs with a total output of 500…