“Texture” to be updated with pictures

Do you think “Texture” would benefit from some pictures? Now you are invited to contribute with your very own pictures to illustrate the recipes! (A big thank you to Chad Galliano who let me use his picture of foamed garlic oil!)

texture-frontpage-thumbA picture is worth a thousand words, and this is also true for recipes. Several of you who have downloaded “Texture – A hydrocolloid recipe collection” have asked for pictures and now it’s time to do something about that! A picture can illustrate texture well and is an excellent supplement to the descriptions. I therefore invite to you to contribute to the recipe collection by taking pictures to accompany the recipes. But before you run to grab your camera, please take a note of the following:

  • Pictures should clearly show the component described in the recipe. If you take a close up picture against a neutral background it’s good if one still has a feeling of what the scale is.
  • Only send a picture if you actually followed the recipe! This way the picture can also serve as an indication that the recipe as been tested. However, if you for some reason have modified a recipe for a better or different result I would also be very interested in hearing about this.
  • Pictures should be in focus and well lit. But remember that Photoshop can do wonders, so please do send pictures even though the colors seem a little dull.
  • Pictures will be cropped to a 1:1 aspect ratio as shown above
  • Preferred minimum resolution is 450 x 450 pixels
  • It’s a requirement that the picture is taken by you and that you are willing to provide it for use in “Texture – A hydrocolloid recipe collection” under a Creative Commons Attribution – Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License since the whole recipe collection is published under such a license
  • I reserve the right to crop pictures and do color/brightness/sharpness adjustments
  • I reserve the right not to use pictures received (and I only intend to include one picture for every recipe)
  • Pictures will be attributed to the photographer as shown in the above illustration.

If you have read the above and agree you’re ready to send your texture pictures to me at this email address: texture.pictures (at) gmail.com. Remember to include the name of the recipe photographed and your name as it should appear under the picture. Thank you very much for helping me make this collection even more useful


  1. I think it would be the best – I really love the collection but I just cannot pull my self together to make anything out of pure text…the pictures would be SO welcome

    Kind regards

  2. Hi,
    I’m students who lives in South Korea
    I sometime drop by your blog and learn many molecular gastronomy
    so, Thank for you .

    bye bye

    ps. I want to learn more study. 😀

  3. It sounds like a great idea my next day off maybe I will pull something from texture make it and take pics to help.. Texture has helped me a lot with understanding different techniques to improve my own personal recipes. Thank you

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