TGRWT #11: Banana and cloves

It’s a pleasure for me to announce a new round of “They go really well together” or TGRWT for short. For those not familiar with the concept of flavor pairing: the idea is that if two foods have one or more volatile compounds in common, chances are good that they might taste well together. In TGRWT #11 the foods to pair are banana and cloves. This is a pairing that (once again I should say) can be taken both in a sweet and a savory direction.

This is how you can participate in TGRWT #11:

  1. Prepare a dish that combines banana and cloves. You can either use an existing recipe or come up with your own.
  2. Take a picture of the dish and write an entry in your blog by November 1st with TGRWT #11 in the title. Readers will be particularily interested in how the flavour pairing worked out, so make an attempt at describing the taste and aroma and whether you liked it or not.
  3. A round-up will be posted here (with pictures). Please send an email to webmaster_at_khymos_dot_org with the following details: Your name, URL of blog, URL of the TGRWT #11 post and a picture for your entry in the round-up. If you don’t have a blog, email me your name, location, recipe and a brief description of how it worked out and I’ll be glad to include it in the final round-up.

Looking back at the first 10 rounds of TGRWT a quick count shows that more than 100 dishes have been prepared and documented in numerous food blogs. This is quite impressive considering that all of them are “new” dishes and that many have required a substantial amount of preparation and testing. You can find links to the round-ups of all the previous TGRWT events in the right sidebar on the main page of the Khymos blog. Admittedly, not all concoctions worked out very well, but there are many exciting recipes where even the cooks themselves were surprised by the flavor pairing.

I certainly hope this food blogging event can continue to inspire new creations in the kitchen and look forward to receiving your contributions. As usual – since different blogs have different groups of readers – I’m grateful if you help me spread the word of TGRWT #11.


  1. Any ideas of how to make clove flavoured dried-banana chips? That’d been a fun thing to try, maybe also as a powder or finely chopped as topping. Just an idea.

  2. If you want to do it as a powder or fine chunks you could just toss banana chips and clove into the blender, blitz it, then sieve. Your powder will fall through and your finely chopped chunks will stay in the sieve. You’ll have both. Sometimes simple is good.

  3. All kinds of bananas? Because with the green baking type I can imagine all sorts of spicy combinations. In Europe we eat the yellow banana’s when mostly rather unripe and mealy, while when I lived in the tropics as a child we would wait until they were ripe and brown and spoon them out. That ripe would be interesting with cloves too for a desert. I’ll start experimenting.

  4. […] Auch in der elften Auflage des “˜They Go Really Well Together”˜ foodblog-events geht es darum, zwei (gelegentlich drei) Zutaten, die üblicherweise kaum miteinander kombiniert werden, zu einem (hoffentlich) wohlschmeckenden Gericht zu vereinigen. Dabei geht es um “food pairing”, also die Kombination von Aromen auf Grundlage ihres Gehalts an flüchtigen Stoffen. Wissenschaftler haben eine Theorie formuliert, nach welcher zwei auch noch so unterschiedliche Nahrungsmittel geschmacklich mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit gut zusammenpassen, wenn beide einen oder mehrere flüchtige Aromastoffe gemeinsam aufweisen. Mit diesem Blogevent wird die Theorie in die Praxis umgesetzt. Diesmal Banane mit Gewürznelken. […]

  5. I have used bananas and cloves in some dishes before and will submit one of my recipes shortly. I got the inspiration fronm a banana jag I once had in Sril Lanka. I am not a big fan of the volatile compounds theory and prefer to search other cultures and historical recipes for inspiration.

    In my opinion this theory sounds good because it is simple, easy to grasp and exciting (just like astrology). In reality combining ingredients is much more complicated and sophisticated.

    I’ve had the famous combination of caviar ond white chocolate several times and I think it is downright disgusting.

    But, hey, it is fun to create new dishes, so I’m game!

  6. Banankage med nelliker – TGRWT #11…

    Banankage, en klassiker i bagekategorien. Parret med nelliker, måske knap så klassisk. Dette banankage eksperiment forsøger at parre banan med nelliker.

  7. […] TGRWT is back, I was waiting for this one for a while. This time it is hosted by the creator of the TGRWT, Martin from The flavors that need to be paired this time are banana and cloves. Don’t forget to check the great round-up of TGRWT #10 at EatFoo(d). […]

  8. You inspired me to make pork/banana/clove sausage. It was amazingly delicious, and nobody at the sausage party didn’t love it. Thanks!

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