Tag coffee

Wonders of extraction: Water

Extraction of peppermint leaves with hot water Water is a polar molecule, meaning that one end has a small negative charge and the other a small positive charge. Because of this water is a very good solvent for other polar…

Two flavour pairing case studies

In previous posts and comments I have suggested that flavour pairings based on key odorants could be explored by looking at odor activity values (= ratio of volatile compound to it’s threshold). If two foods share one or more key…

TGRWT #1: Garlic, coffe and chocolate

Reading the comments on how to prepare a dish using garlic, coffee and chocolate, I figured it could actually be a good idea to make this into a food blogging event. Inspired by Is My Blog Burning (IMBB), Sugar High…

Triple flavour pairing: garlic, coffee and chocolate

Preparing for a presentation on flavour pairing, Bernard Lahousse at Food for design visited Franí§ois Benzi at Firmenich, a large supplier of aroma chemicals and perfume ingredients. Bernard plans to launch a website dedicated to flavour pairing soon, and in…

Coffee cream foam

Based on some googling of espuma and foam recipes (including Ferran Adria’s coffee espuma), I figured that the following should work: 2 dL coffee 2 sheets of gelatine 3 dL heavy cream sugar/vanilla sugar Soak gelatine in cold water. Strain.…